Rigorous Training for Our Highly Skilled Field Staff Is the Standard

In a world where regulations and practices are ever changing, the need for continual training has become paramount in deciding which companies succeed. Our training practices and policies at WEL, Inc. are second to none. We ensure that all employees have the tools and training to effectively do their jobs in the safest manner possible. All new field staff go through a rigorous training process from the start of their career at WEL. The training process does not stop there. Training is continued throughout our employees' tenure. All employees are provided recertification training annually or more frequently if otherwise specified. Some examples of initial training include the following:

Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)

MSHA (40 hour)

OSHA (10–30 hour)

FEMA (IS100 & IS200)

E-RAIL Safe and Roadway Worker Protection

Highways Traffic Incident Management

First Aid


In addition to the above initial training, our employees attend site specific health and safety classes and seminars from various specialty clientele. We appreciate every opportunity to further the training of our staff. WEL, Inc. requires our employees to be task trained on all equipment used for their job. If they have not been task trained on a piece of equipment, they will not be allowed to operate or use it until they have completed this requirement. All employee training records are available to our clients, either directly or through various third party contractor management services. We believe that proper training and preparation create a safe work environment, a culture we can all live with and where everyone feels responsible for safety and pursues it on a daily basis. Employees at WEL go beyond "the call of duty" to identify unsafe conditions and behaviors and intervene to correct them. All employees know that they can stop work at any time if a safety concern arises. We know that a company with a strong safety culture typically experiences few at-risk behaviors; consequently, they also experience low incident rates, low turn-over, low absenteeism, and high productivity.

Our staff is the bread and butter of what we do. We believe it is important to give our employees the proper tools to succeed. We promote a safe work environment because we insist everyone return home the way they came to work. We expect our staff to perform their duties safely, professionally, and efficiently.

Call 1-800-847-2455 now – we can help with any job big or small!

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